30 Day Plant Connection Activity For Improved Self Care

Learning how to incorporate plants into our daily lifestyles makes all of the other interactions in our lives even more meaningful.

Just like our human friendships, when we nourish each relationship with a plant with a unique and intentional strategy, we get more out of it.

I am so excited to introduce my monthly herbal challenge--30 days of designed activities to i n t e n t i o n a l ly build a relationship with a healing plant! These are awesome ideas and I'm so glad that you now have access to them.

It is so exciting to connect.

I want to hear how this goes for you. See below how you sharing your experience can enter you to win products & services.

The Monthly Herb Challenge

It is a  b e a u t i f u l  thing connecting with a single plant for a full month. As more and more details emerge through our intentional activities the more we can remember a plant’s healing virtues. What’s more is that these healing virtues are usually not just for us, but also for others including pollinators and animals and the great spirit world itself.

Day 1: Set the intention for the month in a written journal. Some example questions are, what do you hope you learn? What do you expect will happen after 30 days? What do you already know about the plant world?

Day 2: Choose the herb you’ll be working with. Stick with this plant for the whole journey!.

Day 3: Source some plant material of your plant (is it growing in your garden? Do you need to order it? Where is it located?)

Day 4: Learn some common names for your plant and write these on a clean page in a written journal preferably in the same section as your monthly intention.

Day 5: Learn the plant's binomial name (scientific name). If you can, memorize it.

Day 6: Smell and taste your plant. Take some time to describe this in the journal.

Day 7: Read a Materia medica written on your chosen herb. “Google Materia medica and your herbs name”

Day 8: Find a photo of your plant online. Take a few minutes to look at different images.

Day 9: Draw a picture of your plant in your journal.

Day 10: Learn if your plant is found in commercial products or supplements. 

Day 11: Make an infusion or decoction of your herb and perhaps describe the experience in your journal.

Day 12: Learn of your herbs potential magical qualities. Google “magical uses of ____”

Day 13: Learn the dominion or guardian planet of your herb. This belief system is found under key words “horoscope herbs” or “astroherbalism”.

Day 14: Learn of your herbs flower details (color, number of petals etc.)

Day 15: Journal about your process so far and what discoveries you found most exciting.

Day 16: Take a break. You are doing great (tomorrow is tincture making.)

Day 17: Make a tincture of your herb. Measure out a 1:2 fresh or 1:4 dried plant tincture. So if 1:2 that’s equal to 1 part herb to 2 parts solvent of choice (either glycerin or ethanol). So if you are making a fresh 1 : 2 ethanol tincture you would use 1 oz of the herb to 2 fl oz ethanol. The herbs stay in the solvent for up to 4 weeks but you can taste it within days. Stir your macerating extract every other day with a clean wooden chopstick.  Ethanol is the best solvent for long shelf life. At the end of the maceration strain, bottle up and label. Keep the storage bottle in a cool and dark place. Glycerites will do well stored in the fridge and used within 5 months. 

Day 18: Write a poem or mantra about your herb.

Day 19: Find a piece of folklore about your herb.

Day 20: Discover your plants personality and describe in your journal a person in your life most like your herb.

Day 21: Create your own folk name for your herb.

Day 22: Find a recipe using your herb.

Day 23: Learn of your herbs flower essence or vibrational medicine and which human personality it is indicated to help. For help turn to Bach Flower Essences and its website.

Day 24: What is the standard adult dosaging guidelines for your herb?

Day 25: Where is your herb found? What is its native region (s)?

Day 26: Make an altar for your plant. This can be as spiritual or intentional as you want it to be. 

Day 27: Make a bathing ritual with your herb. Maybe buy a product from my shop for extra self care?

Day 28: Write a plant profile on your herb. Include information on its habitat, its growing features, the type of plant it is and some research on its folk and conventional medicinal uses.

Day 29: Discover information about how your herb helps the ecosystem it grows in. Are there specific pollinators for it? What is its niche? Are there animals that eat it? What other plants or natural features will it grow near?

Day 30: Go over your journal/ recollections on this plant. Taste your new tincture. Did you like this project?


Share your plant based experience with us in our closed FB group a forum for all things herbal & sustainable.

My herbal pantry keeps me well every season. Wellness is not an afterthought in my business.